Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Old Man

Today is my husband's birthday. So, this weekend is All About Bob.

Tonight we are having Veal Parm and Boston Cream Pie (his favorites). The veal has been soaking since last night and the custard is in the fridge cooling down.

Tonight is for family, per Bob's request, so after dinner we are playing Clue, Connect Four, and maybe Risk (if we can stay awake long enough for someone to complete world domination).  Hopefully my Mom will let up a little on the kids and let them win Connect Four (she's a vicious competitor).

The Beast (it grills 45 burgers at one time!)
Bob and his beloved father
Graduation, Spring Hill College 1989
Tomorrow night  is all about friends and cards.  There will be copious amounts of deer sausage on the new giant grill, cupcakes and Jack Daniels.  

If you know Bob, head over to Facebook and give him some love and then hit this LINK and vote for him for Best of Bay under the Attorney heading (third up from the bottom left).  Being nominated for Best of Bay is more special than usual for him since he has not been in private practice now for almost a year, and as I told him when I found out he was nominated, I didn't do it! 

If you don't know Bob, you should;  he's that kind of awesome.

Toys for Kids Ball 2011
Happy Birthday, Honey!

Cheers to All,


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