Saturday, April 21, 2012

This Isn't a Birthday Blog

I would apologize for the birthday posts, but I'm not sorry! I'm over the birthdays for a month or so, but in June, look out there will be a couple more.   Deal with it.

Anyway, I am working on a big multi-part post about shoes, copyright infringement, and more stay tuned.  Legal stuff is on the way.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Old Man

Today is my husband's birthday. So, this weekend is All About Bob.

Tonight we are having Veal Parm and Boston Cream Pie (his favorites). The veal has been soaking since last night and the custard is in the fridge cooling down.

Tonight is for family, per Bob's request, so after dinner we are playing Clue, Connect Four, and maybe Risk (if we can stay awake long enough for someone to complete world domination).  Hopefully my Mom will let up a little on the kids and let them win Connect Four (she's a vicious competitor).

The Beast (it grills 45 burgers at one time!)
Bob and his beloved father
Graduation, Spring Hill College 1989
Tomorrow night  is all about friends and cards.  There will be copious amounts of deer sausage on the new giant grill, cupcakes and Jack Daniels.  

If you know Bob, head over to Facebook and give him some love and then hit this LINK and vote for him for Best of Bay under the Attorney heading (third up from the bottom left).  Being nominated for Best of Bay is more special than usual for him since he has not been in private practice now for almost a year, and as I told him when I found out he was nominated, I didn't do it! 

If you don't know Bob, you should;  he's that kind of awesome.

Toys for Kids Ball 2011
Happy Birthday, Honey!

Cheers to All,


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Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Dad

Pop in the middle with his dog, Mike and brother, Paul.
He looks ready to throw down.
Today is my father, Tom Nolan's, 70th birthday.  I thought all day yesterday about my dad, and the things I've learned from him. I wish I could write an elegant, witty post to share with the world what an outstanding person I have for a father.  But, the words won't come so I think I'll share my Top 5 Favorite Sayings courtesy of Pop:

5.  Upon the lighting of  the candles on any one's birthday cake: "Boy, Mickey Lockwood would've loved this cake."  Mickey Lockwood is some kid Pop grew up with who would eat the candles off of a birthday cake.  I've been hearing this one since I can remember, and it never gets old.

4.  "It'll feel better when it quits hurting."  

3.  "Right of way don't mean sh*t when you're dead."  This was stated rather loudly while teaching me to drive and is a corollary to the law of gross tonnage.

2.  "I searched the world over, and thought I found true love.  You met another and thwpp you was gone.  Leave a message after the beep."  No, he didn't write the song (from the show Hee Haw, no less) but he sings it as the outgoing message on his voicemail.  That has always been my parents' message, since their first answering machine.  They've had all kinds of hilarious messages left, including one from animal control in which the singing dog catcher let them know their dog George didn't have rabies.  Top that.

And last, but not least,

1.  "Don't call me Pop!"  This, on his 50th birthday.  Of course, it stuck and twenty years later even the girls in my office all call him Pop.

Happy Birthday, Pop.  



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

These shoes by Louboutin for men are awesome sauce

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Jurors Misbehaving!

Jurors misbehaving is a popular topic lately, and for good reason.  Whether the misbehaving juror is deliberately trying to get released from duty, or is just a self-involved jerk, their actions are inconsiderate and disrespectful to everyone else involved in the judicial system, from the litigants to the clerks at the courthouse.

There's this guy who sent a friend request to the defendant in a civil case in order to get disqualified.  How do we know that his goal was to get dismissed?  He bragged about it on Facebook.  That worked out really well for him.  What a bonehead.

Then there's this lady, Juror #15, who posted on Facebook about the sex abuse trial of the local wrestling coach.  I've got to think that this was a pretty well covered trial, with lots of local interest.  She even name dropped the defendant's attorney.  Another attorney's wife was friends with Juror #15, and that's how the defense found out about her posts.  How could she have thought her posts would not get back to the defendant or the court?  The judge had admonished the jury in this trial not to post on social media about the case, but Juror #15 did it anyway.  She's either incredibly obtuse, or she did it on purpose to get dismissed.  Either way, she is a jerk in my book.

Then there's this genius, the jury foreman for crying out loud!  Dude, do you really think that your friends care that much where you are today?  Did you miss the part of the judge's instructions about not talking or discussing the case with anyone?  How did you think it was okay to post about "boring" cell phone evidence during the trial?  The gall. 

And last, but certainly not least, this wannabe actress who went to extreme ends to avoid jury duty.  Then she bragged about it on the radio.  What a gem.

If you have ever been in the courtroom when the judge admonishes the jury (usually every time they leave the courtroom), the instructions given are simple and easy to understand.  I'm quite sure my 9 year old would totally understand the instructions.  And given the repetition, there's no chance that a juror simply did not hear them all.

Each of these people put an entire trial in jeopardy.  First and foremost, their selfish behavior jeopardized some defendants' constitutional rights.  Moreover, it costs money to call a potential pool of jurors.  In a week with several trials scheduled, the clerk in my county might call 200 people. Did these idiots think about all of those other people who were also called for jury duty and who missed a day of work, made other arrangements for their kids, etc.? And did they think about their fellow jurors, who have missed work, family events, and put their lives on hold to serve on the jury?  That's not to mention the costs to the participants of getting ready for trial (half of which has to be redone if the trial doesn't go as scheduled).    Or the experts flown in at huge expense. Did they think about any of this when they just couldn't resist posting a status update on Facebook?

Serving as a juror is one of the few civic duties a regular person gets to perform these days.  As a people, we have clearly forgotten the importance of juror service in our country.  There's a reason the court makes everyone stand when the jury enters and leaves the courtroom.  The right to be judged by an impartial jury is one of the cornerstones of our judicial system (Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution). This particular type of juror misconduct is so lazy and self-involved, it is a huge insult to the rest of us and indicative of the "let someone else do the hard work" attitude so prevalent in our society today.  For shame.

Show a little respect.

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